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unity3d 视频播放插件 AVPro Windows Media 2.8 最新版
AVPro Windows Media 2.8
Requires Unity 5.1.0 or higher.
Webpage | Demo | PDF Docs | Forum
Fast, smooth, high quality HD playback of all supported Windows Media content.
+ *NEW*Unity 4.6 and Unity 5.1 support.
+Both 32 and 64-bit friendly.
+Free watermarked trial version available.
+Years of professional use in the field.
+Fast native Direct3D9, Direct3D11 and OpenGL texture updates.
+Frame accurate seeking and scrubbing.
+Supports video transparency.
+Native Hap codec support (no plugin needed).
+Play videos from disk or from memory.
+Supports internal clips.
+Apply videos to materials and meshes.
+7.1 audio channel mixer.
+AV sync offset control.
+Unity 4.6 uGUI support.
+NGUI support.
+ Easy to use drag 'n drop components.
Video playback quality beyond MovieTexture
Standalone Windows PC only.
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